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Clogging classes are currently held on Tuesday evening at our dance studio. Student placement is determined by previous experience and skill level. We accept children as young as three years old. The student's class time will be determined by the class they are best suited for, and while we try to keep those close in age together, this cannot be guaranteed.
Extra classes that my be offered throughout the year are typically held on additional nights, such as Monday or Wednesday. These are one large class, open to anyone, and are often a mix of skill level.
Registration is open once a year. Early registration begins in June for the following fall. Registration will be fully open in the beginning of August, with classes beginning after Labor Day. While returning students are given priority, it is our goal to accommodate everyone wishing to be a part of Will's Mountain School of Dance.
Competitive Classes
Competitive clogging opportunities may also be available to the student. This requires a different level of commitment from both the student as well as the parents. Becoming a part of a competitive team means additional practices and the commitment to travel, most times to Tennessee or even further. Those wishing to join one of the competitive teams must faithfully show dedication and hard work, as well as a willingness to learn new skills. Being a part of the Company does not guarantee a place on a competitive team.
There is an additional charge for competitive classes as well as the competition fees at each competition. The competition fees vary by venue.

There are several tuition options available to you. Payments paid on a yearly or half yearly basis receive a discount. Additional students from the same household also receive a discount. We accept checks, cash, or a credit card if paid at the studio.
Pay Per Month: $33 per month, due on the first of every month. Second student is $27 per month. Costume fees are an additional cost and may vary from year to year.
Payment For Full Year Paid In September: $360.64. Second student is $225.56. This includes 9 months of lessons, $65.00 towards costumes, and two adult recital tickets. This payment option gives you an 8% discount.
Payment For Full Year Paid In Three Installments In September, October, and November: $372.40. ($124.14 per installment) Second student is $230.85. ($76.95 per installment) This includes 9 months of lessons, $65.00 towards costumes, and two adult recital tickets. This payment option gives you a 5% discount.
Payment For Full Year Paid In Two Installments In September and January: $372.40. ($186.20 per installment) Second student is $230.85. ($115.43 per installment) This includes 9 months of lessons, $65.00 towards costumes, and two adult recital tickets. This payment option gives you a 5% discount.
*Please note: payment plans are non-refundable, even if the student leaves part way through the dance year.
Extra classes, such as ballet, hip hop, or gymnastics are an additional fee of $70 for the eight week session.
Competitive classes are an additional $30 per month.
Download the comprehensive payment plan option HERE.
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